The Backbone of Our Initiative



We recognize the First Peoples of the land we inhabit through demonstrated reverence in our discourse and actions



We actively seek to secure platforms that elevate Black Indigenous people, acknowledging the systemic ways Black people are erased from Indigenous discourse


We open the stage to those aligned Black, Indigenous, and non-white people; those continuously denied the opportunity to elevate their people



We reject preconceived notions of identity 


We reject language that assumes a person’s gender, preference, ability, ethnic background, religious context, etcetera 



We actively engage with gender-neutral pronouns in order to foster a space that supports existence beyond standardized constructs of identity


We reflect on our position in society, considering the literal and metaphorical space that we occupy



We reject inclinations of self-centering, always considering local and global communities in our activism 


We highlight queer communities and acknowledge their multiple intersections of marginalization



We recognize and accept that this space prioritizes First Peoples and Black communities, always questioning our privilege within the space


We enter this space willing to learn, improve and expand on our discourse and activism



We aim to collaborate within our communities and foster platforms built by us, for us


We are mindful of reciprocity and seek ways to engage with and support our communities



We require non-Black People of Color to actively denounce  and resist anti-Blackness within their communities, recognizing that ‘POC’ cannot exist without Black people



We understand that our strength is in our unity and work to repair the systemic dysfunction in our communities


We denounce white supremacy and recognize its role in the systemic disruption and erasure of Black, Indigenous, and non-white communities


See how Floating Key embodies our ethics


For the white folks who engage with Floating Key:

Always remember to question your position in the space and the amount to which you inhabit. Always remember that it is a privilege to engage with the Floating Key community. Always remember to research and ask yourself what you can do. Always remember that the onus for change is on you. Always remember to listen more than you speak. Always question your societal privilege. Always. Respect.